Ray White Bream Bay are proud sponsors of the Pukapuka Party.
What is the Pukapuka Party?
The Pukapuka Party is an annual community literacy event held at the Ruakaka Village Green, supported by schools, ECE groups, local service clubs, businesses, churches, the library and members of the community. Activities are provided by the educational groups and businesses and each child receives a “passport” which is stamped as they complete literacy activities on the day. At the end of the day each child receives books and learning resources to take home
The Pukapuka Party is an example of community led development and whānau, schools and community stakeholders support each other to promote the value of education, to provide authentic learning opportunities outside the classroom and to support children to achieve their educational potential. We use activities as a springboard to provide parents and whānau with the skills to help their children at home. Early childhood centres and schools play an important role in education but we as a community need to stand behind the children to help them achieve their potential. As the research clearly shows, when families, early childhood centres and schools and communities all work together to support children’s learning, achievement levels are significantly increased.
Come along and join in the fun!