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Reach More Potential Buyers with these Marketing Packages

By Renee Donald

Reach more potential buyers where they spend their time online, using the most successful marketing platforms on the planet.

Expanding the online component of a marketing campaign generates much more exposure for your property. More exposure creates more interest which can impact the price.

The traditional portals like and work well, but many potential buyers (passive buyers) are not looking at these sites. Up to 30% of properties are bought by people who were not looking, but discover a property of interest online, in the newspaper or from a signboard or recommendation.

Typically 20+ hours each week is spent on Facebook, using Internet search and visiting websites with Google ads. By promoting your property using one of our marketing packages we reach potential buyers where they spend the majority of their online time.

Did you know?

  • Google search for real estate is growing 8% per year
  • New Zealanders spend over 10 Hours per week browsing online
  • 2 Million+ Kiwis use Facebook every day

The proof is in the stats expand your marketing and reach the passive buyer.

Talk to one of our sales team about our online marketing packages for your property today.
> Contact us

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